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What is the difference between talking to a friend and talking to a coach?


When was the last time you felt truly heard? Your coach creates an atmosphere of trust and intimacy, where you feel comfortable in sharing your situation because you know that whatever you share will be held in utmost confidentiality. Your coach is warm and non-judgmental, fully present and available to you during your session. Coaching is effective in part because you, the client, feel heard and supported.


What happens during a coaching session?


Coaching uses Powerful Questions and a Solutions Focused approach, customized just to you, the individual client, to inspire reflection and insights. Your coach stretches your thinking beyond what majority of individuals are able to do on their own. By helping to create an emotional connection to your desired state, the coach assists you in becoming aware of your current reality and helps you formulate a way of approaching situations with a new perspective and awareness. Moreover, the emotional connection will help to increase motivation and commitment to your new way of being. When done properly, coaching creates new neural pathways in your mind, which result in new ways of thinking, and most of all, new ways of being!


What impact can I expect coaching to have on my life?


Coaching is not just talking! Remember, coaching is Solutions Focused. That means, you and your coach will collaborate on creating SMART goals based on your new insights. SMART Goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. Most of all SMART Goals equal RESULTS. To make sure you remain on track, your coach will help you stay accountable and work with you through any challenges you may face along the journey to your best self!

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